Monday, May 13, 2013

No Big Hurry

I remember with Belle how excited I was when she reached those big "milestones". Rolling over, talking, walking, and so on. I knew when she "should" be doing something and made sure she was doing it. For example, Belle was rolling over before 8 weeks. I know she did it on a regular basis before I went back to work.

With Shelbs, things are different. She is 3.5 months old and can roll to her side, but doesn't very often. She did roll over once, but she was in her inclined crib, so gravity helped with that one.

But this time around, I am not worried. She is happy. She is healthy. She is smiley. And you know what, she is not the mover and shaker that Belle was. She is much more laid back. To put it simply, Shelbs isn't in a big hurry at all.

I kind of like that. To have one child that never stops moving and sleep is almost always a fight, it is a nice change of pace to have a kiddo that is more relaxed.

I know we will have our struggles with sleep and listening and moving and so on, but right now, it is very nice to have a snuggle bug. Especially as Belle is growing out of that phase unless she is super sleepy.

So that is my thought for today. I am ok with snuggling Shebls when I can. So she doesn't lay as much on her play mat and isn't rolling over at 3.5 months (gasp!). I'm ok with that.

All in good time friends, all in good time. Now, let me share some smiles.

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