Monday, May 13, 2013

Precious Time

Work Day Schedule

6am (ish): Belle and I get up. Hopefully I've showered the night before and we can snuggle and watch part of Curious George on PBS.

6:15am: I get dressed/hair/makeup. Ready bags for the day.

6:30am: Get Belle dressed. Wake up, change, dress and feed Shelbs.

6:45am: Remember Belle needs a snack before we leave for school. Put things in the car (if I am not still feeling Shelbs).

6:55am: Leave for day care (we like to call it "school" in our house).

7:09am: Get to school. Bring Belle's stuff upstairs, then take the girls downstairs to the room. Talk with teachers about their nights, questions, concerns. Lots of Loves and Snuggles.

7:15am (sure, more like 7:20 at this point - running late): Wave at the girls from the car, drive to work.

7:30am-4:30pm: Work

4:55pm: Get home. Hug Belle, ask about her day. Change Shelbs and start first feeding.

5:30pm: Play outside, go for a walk, or make dinner. Eat dinner somewhere between 5:30-6:30pm

6:00pm: Feed Shelbs. 

6:30pm: Bath time!!!

7:00pm: Watch the Pajanimals!!! with Belle. Feed Shelbs if she is still awake (reverse cycling at its best!) or snuggle Belle.

7:15pm: Belle in bed, stories, prayers, snuggles.

7:45pm: Feed Shelbs or do some laundry.

8:45pm: Both kids are sleeping (hopefully). Dreamfeed Shelbs and pump.

9:00pm: Bedtime for me.

What does this mean? Only about 3 - 4 hours of quality time with my kids per day. Boo.

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