Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Crazyness and Lack of Sleep

So, for the past couple of weeks, work and life in general have been crazy. Add to that the fact that Button is not sleeping (therefore none of us are), its been crazy.

How do they know that when your life goes bonkers, that by not sleeping how they normally do, it will really make things crazy? For example, last week was a VERY busy week for me at work. They happen every 3 months or so and I am never home on time and generally crabby. I know that part of her not sleeping was because she is a very routine kid - when Mommy is not home by 5pm, she stands by the door or window and asks for me. So when I am late every day, she puts up a stink for hubs and then gets back at me by not sleeping, right?

Ok, that probably isn't quite how it goes, but it sure feels like it!

But what happened to her sleep pattern? My beautiful little girl who would go down about 8pm and sleep until 6am was playing in her room until almost 10pm last night (I had fallen asleep and didn't realize she was still awake) and up by 4:30am? Sunday, she was up at 3:30am and wanted to play ....

I am 24 weeks pregnant and work full time. I am tired by 8pm. I usually get her to bed and fall into mine. This is driving me crazy!! I want to get more sleep. I want a night of uninterrupted sleep. Ok, I know that is wishful thinking, but I still would like one night of sleep.

And try asking her why - she is only 21 months so she has no idea. I wish it was different, and I know it will get better, but I just want it to happen now ... Ok, done whining. 

I think we may have to rally the troops and give Mommy a night off. I think we would all feel much, much better. Which will make me a better Mommy.

What do you do when this happens at your house? 

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