Saturday, February 18, 2012

What I SHOULD Be Doing

Its Saturday and we are going to run errands once Button wakes up from her nap. At daycare she sleeps about an hour a day, but on weekends at home, she still takes a morning and an afternoon nap, both of which are well over an hour. It makes her much happier on weekends. At daycare she thinks she should be playing or might miss something.

So I should be doing homework. Or laundry. Or something productive. Instead, I am watching TV and relaxing. I know, I should be reading what I need to for my reflection paper that is due tomorrow, or picking up the house, or peeling the caulk from the shower so I can re-caulk it again.

But I am watching reruns of How I Met Your Mother instead.

Button is so cute when she sleeps. And when she wakes up she will need some milk, snuggle time and probably a gram cracker or lunch depending on what time it is. Then we will head out for some errands, and get back in time for her afternoon nap.

I did win the lottery last night, but it was only $1 that I will re-invest in my future - meaning I am going to buy another ticket with it. I keep hoping that one day I will win and I can quit my job, start my cloth diaper service (Bottoms Up), stay home with Little Nut and pop out a few more kids. I would love to have a big family - 3 or 4 kids. I am just more practical than that and know how expensive it is.

Little Nut is growing so fast. She loves to play outside (which is what we really might do this afternoon - it is beautiful out) and is walking everywhere. She is so curious and loves to explore. It is crazy to watch her - she just loves life. I hate missing so much of it every day for work.

There are times I wish I had done a few things differently and could just quit my job to stay home with her. I don't want to miss those moments in life - watching her grow up. I want to be the mom who volunteers in the classroom and goes on field trips. The mom who is the Girl Scout Leader and volunteers at church.

I can't predict the future, but we are making plans. Looking to expand our family when the time is right. It will happen, and I have faith that everything will work out.

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