Thursday, February 9, 2012

Cloth Diapering

So I use cloth diapers. I have no grand illusions that I am using them to save the planet - it comes down to the fact that I am cheap and won't pay for something that is going to get pooped and peed on, then thrown away. And since babies tend do do that several times a day, I was not going to throw that money away.

I like that I am also helping the environment (I mean, 500 years to decompose per diaper?? That is just Crazy!!), but that was not my main deal.

It is addictive though. You get covers and diapers and then you find ways to wash them better and it is fun. There, I said it. I like to use the diapers and find it FUN!

Well, here is the issue. I would LOVE to start a cloth diaper service. There really are not many in the area. I just have no idea how I would do it, let alone get the capital to start it. But I think it would be great. I could stay home with Little Nut, and we could do laundry all day and play. We would ride to pick up and drop off two or three days per week. It would be great.

But I would need more diapers. And pails. And liners. And an industrial washer and dryer. And probably a bigger vehicle. Oh, and I would need people who would be willing to pay me for this in the Fox Valley area.

Yup, I'm crazy. But since I am completing my MBA maybe I will write the business plan. Who knows, maybe when we have #2 I will put my plan into action!

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