Monday, April 16, 2012

Case of the Mondays

I love the movie Office Space. I love how dumb funny it is. But today, I have to agree that I have a case of the Mondays. It was raining when I woke up (and sounds like it might snow - 70's yesterday and snow today - gotta love Wisconsin). I wanted to hit the snooze about a million times.

The plus side? Mondays I almost always get to shower solo. This is so great. I love being able to use really hot water and just be lazy in the shower. And shave my legs. And take my time.

But then reality strikes back, and Little Nut is calling "Mama, Mama!" from her crib. So we get dressed (and she is now helping - she brings me all kinds of things I don't need, but it is so darn cute!) and do our hair and have animal crackers as a distraction.

Then I realize the car seat is not installed. I had moved it Saturday and never put it back. Now we are running late and she is standing at the screen door asking me what I am doing and I know she wants to come outside and run in the rain.

And what I do I want to do? I want to take her to the Building for Kids, or the zoo, or the Mom and Pop Place and just have fun.

But we have to go to work and school. And you know what? She didn't even care that I was dropping her off. She just wanted to play - which I know means we take her to a really good place, but come on!! A little resistance is sometimes nice.

So I have a case of the Mondays, I don't want to work today, but know I have to get over this and get back on track. So I will. But I still wish I could play hookey and take a day with Little Nut.

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