Friday, May 31, 2013


Weekends are my favorite part of the week. I guess that is pretty much a given, but I love them. They are two whole days where I get to play with the girls (usually).

But they also remind me what I am missing ...

  • how much they grow every day, when I am not there
  • the new words they learn, the skills they develop
  • how much I miss nursing, and even though I know it is tough on Mondays, I will nurse Shelbs on weekends as much as possible
  • smiles, hugs and laughs for no reason
But I also know that weekends make me a better mom and a stronger person. They allow me to reconnect with the girls and Hubs. They give me time and space to play and run errands and enjoy the girls.

I also love Fridays when I only have to work until 2pm - I sneak out for a pedi after work before getting the girls and it is FANTASTIC.

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I want to see

Today I read the most beautiful blog post. I want to make sure I SEE my kids.

I have been trying more often lately to put down my phone when I get home from work. To look at Button when she talks. To pay attention to what she is saying.

I know it isn't enough to just be there. I have to be the one who also listens and HEARS. The one who understands. The one who praises. The one who tries so very hard not to get mad.

I hate yelling, but since I have gone back to work I find myself doing it more and more. I mean, look at my Precious Time post. I feel like now all I do is run and run and run and never have enough time to spend with the girls.

Belle is smart. She knows she gets less of me now than she did before Shebls came. But you know what, she loves her sister and doesn't resent her. She hugs and kisses her. But I need to find more time to spend with her.

I need to make sure I always see my girls.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Precious Time

Work Day Schedule

6am (ish): Belle and I get up. Hopefully I've showered the night before and we can snuggle and watch part of Curious George on PBS.

6:15am: I get dressed/hair/makeup. Ready bags for the day.

6:30am: Get Belle dressed. Wake up, change, dress and feed Shelbs.

6:45am: Remember Belle needs a snack before we leave for school. Put things in the car (if I am not still feeling Shelbs).

6:55am: Leave for day care (we like to call it "school" in our house).

7:09am: Get to school. Bring Belle's stuff upstairs, then take the girls downstairs to the room. Talk with teachers about their nights, questions, concerns. Lots of Loves and Snuggles.

7:15am (sure, more like 7:20 at this point - running late): Wave at the girls from the car, drive to work.

7:30am-4:30pm: Work

4:55pm: Get home. Hug Belle, ask about her day. Change Shelbs and start first feeding.

5:30pm: Play outside, go for a walk, or make dinner. Eat dinner somewhere between 5:30-6:30pm

6:00pm: Feed Shelbs. 

6:30pm: Bath time!!!

7:00pm: Watch the Pajanimals!!! with Belle. Feed Shelbs if she is still awake (reverse cycling at its best!) or snuggle Belle.

7:15pm: Belle in bed, stories, prayers, snuggles.

7:45pm: Feed Shelbs or do some laundry.

8:45pm: Both kids are sleeping (hopefully). Dreamfeed Shelbs and pump.

9:00pm: Bedtime for me.

What does this mean? Only about 3 - 4 hours of quality time with my kids per day. Boo.

Let's Talk About Boobs

Breastfeeding. It is something I really wanted to do well with Belle, but it never worked the way it was supposed to. Maybe it was the 30 hour labor, near c-section, Pitocin and IV drugs,  vacuum extraction, and trauma of birth. She never latched well. She didn't latch for over 24 hours. I had to pump in the hospital and tube feed her. Then when she did latch, she would fall asleep easily. She didn't gain weight - it took about 6 weeks to get back to birth weight. I had to supplement. I was feeding and pumping every 3 hours around the clock.

I saw a LC on a regular basis - I'm not sure what I would have done without her. She supported my decisions, gave me all kinds of advice and helped me get a prescription for Domperidone from my OB when we had exhausted every other option. After 6 months I went to formula. I just never made enough milk no matter what.

Fast forward two years and to Shelby. She latched within minutes of birth. It was perfect. She gained weight right away and grew strong. I started pumping once a day to build a freezer stash. I FINALLY had it right.

That's what I thought until I went back to work.

Daycare has been a tough transition for both of us. I didn't want to go back to work but I had to. She now spends 10 hours a day away from me. It SUCKS. But that's life, right?

I digress.

Anyway, I have been sending about 9-12 ounces of milk to daycare with her. I am only pumping 7-10 a day, but they think she needs 5 ounces a feeding because she drinks the bottles so fast - that is, when she takes them. I think it is more that she isn't used to taking a bottle. Freezer stash is almost gone and I am still only pumping an average of 8 oz/day.

Fast forward a couple of weeks. She is now starting the wonderful world of reverse cycling! This means when Shelbs is away from me, she is eating as little as possible and nursing nonstop at home at night. But she is still sleeping pretty well, so who really knows.

I am considering renting a hospital grade pump to see if that will make any difference. I already have to Medela's (Freestyle and Pump in Style Advanced) and I am not a huge fan of either one of them. I want to get more. I am trying to get more.

But most of all, I love the connection with Shelbs. I hate that it makes Belle sad because we don't get as much fun time together. Let's be honest, when I work, our days are short. But I love that I know I am doing the best I can in order to give my baby breastmilk. If one day I decide it is no longer the right choice for us, well, then that's another story. I've been down the formula road before - and THRIVED.

No Big Hurry

I remember with Belle how excited I was when she reached those big "milestones". Rolling over, talking, walking, and so on. I knew when she "should" be doing something and made sure she was doing it. For example, Belle was rolling over before 8 weeks. I know she did it on a regular basis before I went back to work.

With Shelbs, things are different. She is 3.5 months old and can roll to her side, but doesn't very often. She did roll over once, but she was in her inclined crib, so gravity helped with that one.

But this time around, I am not worried. She is happy. She is healthy. She is smiley. And you know what, she is not the mover and shaker that Belle was. She is much more laid back. To put it simply, Shelbs isn't in a big hurry at all.

I kind of like that. To have one child that never stops moving and sleep is almost always a fight, it is a nice change of pace to have a kiddo that is more relaxed.

I know we will have our struggles with sleep and listening and moving and so on, but right now, it is very nice to have a snuggle bug. Especially as Belle is growing out of that phase unless she is super sleepy.

So that is my thought for today. I am ok with snuggling Shebls when I can. So she doesn't lay as much on her play mat and isn't rolling over at 3.5 months (gasp!). I'm ok with that.

All in good time friends, all in good time. Now, let me share some smiles.